Yay! Spring is finally here! But with the warm weather, comes an increased risk of your pet being exposed to parasites ie Fleas, Heartworm, Ticks, and Intestinal Worms to name a few. These pesky critters can pose a significant health risk to your pet and in some cases a significant health risk to people as well. Problems associated with insects and parasites can range from unpleasantly itchy skin to life threatening disease!
Within the last few years, there has been a large number of new products available on the market – each with their own strengths and spectrum of parasites they are effective against. The decision as to which product is best for YOUR pet can be overwhelming to pet owners. Unfortunately, not all products are created equal in terms of safety and effectiveness.
At Sault Ste. Marie Animal Clinic, we recommend using products purchased from a veterinarian – they will be safe, effective, easy to use, cost effective and guaranteed. Click below for easy to use guides from our “Helpful Pages”