While attending the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas last month, Sault Ste. Marie Animal Clinic obtained exclusive rights to ‘Rainbow Pets’ Pet Color System.
Based out of Venice Beach California, ‘Rainbow Pets’ is well known for their all natural, vegan, cruelty free line of semi-permanent pet dyes. As more people experiment with non-traditional hair colors for themselves, there is a growing demand for similar pet products. What is unique about the ‘Rainbow Pets’ line is their intense colour and durability – results can last up to two months! The dyes are completely non-toxic and safe to use on both dogs and cats – although not all cats will tolerate the bath portion of the application.
Dr. Palmer and Dr. Lewis-Palmer attended an intense 48 hr training workshop while at WVC and after perfecting their technique on their own pets are reading to offer the service to regular clients of Sault Ste. Marie Animal Clinic. So why not try something different and color co-ordinate your pet for your next holiday or special occasion?
Book your pet’s appointment today by calling: 1-277-453-6657 (1-APR-ILF-OOLS)